The Comprehensive Guide to Hard Armor

Hard armor is a necessary component of any military, law enforcement, or security personnel’s gear. It is designed to protect the user from high-velocity projectiles such as bullets. Hard armor comes in different levels ranging from I to IV, with level IV armor providing the most protection. This guide will explain the basics of hard armor and provide an overview of the types of hard armor available on the market today.


Types of Hard Armor

Hard armor is composed of a rigid material such as steel, ceramic, or polyethylene that has been treated to increase its strength and durability. It can come in different shapes, sizes, and weights depending on its intended use. The most common type of hard armor is plate carriers which are worn over body armor and contain two plates—one at the front and one at the back—that provide additional protection against high-velocity projectiles.

Levels of Protection

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) rates hard armor from Level I up to Level IV based on their ability to stop certain calibers of ammunition traveling at specific speeds. Level IIIa offers protection against 9mm rounds traveling at 1400 feet per second (fps) while Level IV offers protection against .30 caliber rounds traveling at 2800 fps. In addition to protecting against bullets, some forms of hard armor also offer protection against knives, shrapnel, and other forms of blunt force trauma.

Protection vs Weight vs Cost

When shopping for hard armor it is important to take into consideration three factors: Protection level, weight, and cost. Some types of hard armor offer superior protection but may be heavier than others which could impair mobility in certain situations. Additionally, some types are more expensive than others so it is important to find a balance between all three factors when deciding on what type best fits your needs.

Hard armor is an essential component for anyone in military service or law enforcement who needs added protection against high-velocity projectiles such as bullets or shrapnel. There are many levels and types available ranging from lightweight Level I plates up to heavy-duty Level IV plates that can provide superior protection but at a higher price point. When selecting hard armor it’s important to consider all three factors; level of protection needed, desired weight range for optimal mobility in certain scenarios, and budget constraints when making your purchase decision. Level IV Armor provides the most amount of coverage but makes sure you find one that fits your particular application needs properly for maximum effectiveness.


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